
WildCard will be at Heritage Square again this Summer on the following '08 dates!
May-25th June-8th/22nd July-4th/6th/20th AUGUST-3RD/17TH/31ST
Carl Holtz is back as the full time drummer....yea!
We've been friends of the band known as WildCard for close to 20 years now. Dan Velarde
on the keyboards, singer/Song writer, harmonica...His son, Kirby Velarde on the lead guitar, can do it all...Linda Velarde,
Dans better half, on background vocals, Danielle Velarde, Dans daughter, rounds out this talented family with her Stevie
Nicks style of singing...the Band does a very cool Fleetwood Mac set...Cris Pernell kicks out the lows on the bass guitar,
and, there are a variety of different drummers who fill out the percussion section...it's always a surprise to see who sittin'
in on the drums at any given show!

Kirbys Site...Click here for video clip, and, song samples

